If you follow my blog than you know I mostly only thrift shop. I love Plato's closet! But this past weekend I went shopping at the MALL! Here are some of the things I tried on!
This shirt was at JCPenny and on sale for $4. I liked the colors, but didn't buy it. These shorts were a great color, but didn't fit.
Loved this shirt and shorts. I probably would've bought the shorts because they were on sale and I've been looking for patterned shorts, but they didn't have my size. I also loved this basic Tee by Joe, but it was $8.... I just know I can find a basic V-neck Tee for cheaper than $8!
I've tried on so many shirts like this and they NEVER fit, except this one! I bought this exact same style shirt from H&M probably 4 years ago and I love it. This one was on sale for $10!
I swear every fashion blogger I follow has this polka-dot skirt from Target. It was cute, but now that I don't have an office job it just seems impracticable, sadly.
On Sale from Target. Loved the light feel, but the upper part didn't fit.
This is that, you borrowed your husband shirt look. This is not a good look....
We all have our methods, but this is how I shop:
1. I try to know more or less what 4-6 items I'm looking for (this weekend it was basic t-shirts, black sandals and long necklaces.)
2. I have a budget, and try to stick to it. If I spend more than $20 on an item it better be shoes!
3. It needs to fit
4. Just because it's cheap doesn't mean I should buy it.